
How Much To Get Tested For Stds

Why and When Get Tested for STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections or diseases caused by viruses or bacteria that are transferred from person to person, typically through sexual contact— usually vaginal sex, oral sex, and anal sex. Condoms and dental dams can help reduce your chances of being infected by up to 98%, but if you're still concerned that you may have an STD, you can find peace of mind for you and your partner by getting tested.

If you are sexually active, it is in your best interest to get tested for STDs on a regular basis, typically every three to 12 months. While most STDs do have symptoms like abnormal discharge, vaginal odor, itching or irritation, pain during intercourse, or painful urination, it may be hard to visually tell if you are infected as some STDs do not have any physical symptoms.

To protect you and your partner's health, catching an STD in its early stages is key! Most STDs, if caught in time, can be treated and/or managed with the help of a physician. If you suspect you might have an STD, you should get tested immediately and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Even though you may not be experiencing any symptoms, you should get an STD test if:

  • You are sexually active and have had more than one partner
  • You are experiencing any symptoms of STDs
  • You have had unprotected sex, or your method of protection failed (the condom broke, the dental dam tore)

You can be proactive about protecting yourself from STDs and infections. By using protection—male condoms, female condoms, dental dams, etc.—correctly 100% of the time, you can lower the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) if your partner has one. However, since condoms cannot protect against STDs passed through skin-to-skin contact, like genital warts and molluscum contagiosum, it is always a good idea to get tested at least once per year.

Visit CityLife Health and we can help you get tested today. It's quick and painless!

Which STDs are Most Common?

The most common STDs can be treated with antibiotics if caught quickly. If you think you might have an STD, connect with your doctor or see an urgent care physician. While some STDs do not have a cure, knowing how to manage them—with the help of your doctor—is key.

Listed below are some of the most common STDs you can get:

  • Chlamydia – Rarely shows its symptoms right away and can be contracted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Symptoms, once they arise, can include abnormal discharge, painful intercourse, burning when urinating, and genital burning sensations.
  • Trichomoniasis – Considered one of the most curable STDs, it is spread through direct genital contact. Symptoms can stay dormant for quite some time, but when they arise they can consist of itching or burning around the genitals, and discharge that is colored and full of odor.
  • Genital Herpes – There is no cure for this STD, and symptoms will never fully go away. However, the symptoms can be managed with antiviral medication. Symptoms of genital herpes include sore lesions around the genitalia, upper thighs, and buttocks.
  • Gonorrhea – Contracted through sexual contact, gonorrhea can also be passed from mother to baby during birth. This STD is curable with antibiotics and has symptoms that include burning during urination and abnormal discharge.
  • Syphilis – A bacterial infection that develops in stages, this STD is easily treated with antibiotics if caught early, and does not recur on its own once treated. However, if left untreated, syphilis symptoms can cause irreversible damage to your heart, brain, lungs, and other organs. The first stage of syphilis symptoms includes a painless sore around the mouth, genitals or anal region. The second stage of symptoms includes a rash. The final stage, which may occur years later, can result in nerve and brain damage.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, give us a call or walk-in to any of our three convenient locations . Our dedicated staff can help you start feeling better, today.

If you are due for a regular STD, visit us at CityLife Health for a quick STD test for your peace of mind. We have all of the tools and tests needed to complete a check for the above STDs (and more). If need be, we can get you started on treatment options as soon as possible.

Visit us today to learn more about your options , and to get started.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Checked for STDs at CityLife Health?

The cost of your urgent care visit for your STD check depends on your insurance or Medicaid plan. If you are looking to get STD testing done at your local CityLife Health clinic and you have Medicaid, there is no co-pay, but that may not be the case if you have a different insurance provider.

Regardless of if you have Medicaid, the best thing for you to do is to reach out to your insurance provider prior to your visit to confirm what your coverage looks like for STD testing and urgent care services at a facility like CityLife Health. If you have any additional questions on how to pay for your care, our team is happy to discuss payment options with you.

While weighing your healthcare options, keep in mind that using an urgent care facility for your STD testing and treatment needs may cost you less money than if you were to head over to your primary care provider or a private practitioners' office. This is particularly important if you do not plan on using insurance or plan on paying out of pocket. In some cases, you could save hundreds of dollars by visiting an urgent care clinic! Unlike a private practice, we do not require an appointment to get care. You can walk-in to any of our locations at a time that works for you and your schedule.

Learn more about your options on STD tests and treatments with CityLife Health today!

How Much To Get Tested For Stds


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