
how to become an inbound closer

For anyone interested in becoming a High Ticket Closer, this covers the training, required skills, lifestyle, challenges and professional opportunities to becoming successful in the field.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is A High Ticket Closer?
  2. How To Become A Certified High Ticket Closer
  3. What Transferable Skills Do You Need To Be A High Ticket Closer?
  4. How High Ticket Closers Find Work
  5. How Can You Hire A High Ticket Closer?
  6. The Future Of High Ticket Closing

A High Ticket Closer facilitates deals on a premium product or service over the phone. But closers don't act, dress, or talk like traditional salespeople. They don't fit the common perception of the aggressive, pushy salesperson who pretends to be interested in you just to make a sale.

They don't chase prospects or cold call leads to try to sell people what they don't want to buy. Nor do they make door to door sales or travel from office to office, city to city in their car to make sales presentations.

A High Ticket Closer™ is a sales professional who provides solutions to problems. Click To Tweet

Similar to a how a doctor writes a prescription only if the patient needs it, a closer won't sell a prospect an offer if they aren't the right fit.

What does a High Ticket Closer do?

A High Ticket Closer takes inbound calls for high ticket products or services in any industry and seals the deal. A high ticket offer is priced from $3,000 up to $1,000,000 or more. High-ticket offers that requires a high ticket closer include coaching programs, courses, marketing campaigns, web design packages, or business partnership agreements.

A high ticket closer has a lot of autonomy over their work situation. As a closer, you can choose who you close deals for and what hours you wish to work. You can choose to close full time or just for a few hours a week while you continue to work a full time job that may or may not be related to sales.

This profession has attracted people who want more flexibility in their careers for where they work, how often, and who they work for. As the trend continues to swing away from working for a boss and toward a gig economy, professions like closing are gaining in popularity.

Closing appeals to minimalism and minimalist living. You're self employed without having to invest the money and time required for most start up businesses. The closer lifestyle is a simple business model.

A High Ticket Closer works from home, which can be in any city, in any country in the world, with a stable internet and phone connection. You can live in the US and close a prospect living in Japan to take an online course owned by a business in Europe.

As long as you speak the same language as the prospect, you can close prospects living anywhere in the world. And because of the high transaction prices, a closer only needs to work with a small number of clients (or even close for just one client) to make a good income.

What if you hate sales and selling?

Closing isn't about selling. Closers who don't have a sales background have an easier time learning how to be a closer because they don't have to "unlearn" all the traditional sales techniques.

Conventional sales methods teach you that getting the sale is the ultimate goal, but closers aren't attached to the sale. As a closer, you are more focused on the needs of the prospect and ensuring that they are the right fit for the product or service.

In some situations, closers that sell coaching programs or courses have been called "enrollment coaches" because you sound more like coaches than salespeople. You ask questions to find the prospect's pain points, goals and dreams, and show them how that program or course will lead them closer to that goal.

A High Ticket Closer is passionate about helping people.

How they are different from other salespeople

When people hear the word "salesperson", they are usually reminded of excessive follow up calls from salespeople who are checking in to see if you've changed your mind. Or they think of tricky people who use underhanded sales tactics to get the sale.

And they fear being pushed into making a purchase they'll later regret.

High Ticket Closers™ are sales professionals who aren't desperate for a sale. You are calm, neutral problem solvers whose goal is to help people improve their lives. When you speak to a prospect, your goal is to find out if the product is the right fit for them.

Another difference is that closers don't chase prospects. The prospect booked a call with the closer because they learned about a premium offer from a webinar or website. But rarely do people make a high ticket purchase after watching a webinar.

This is the point when a closer comes into the picture. The prospect has a problem, believes that the offer is the answer to the problem, and has booked a call with a closer. By the time they are on the phone with you, the offer is something they are interested in purchasing.

It's the closer's job to listen to the prospect to facilitate a solution. They are trained to handle the most difficult parts of a closing call.

The closer is the authority who asks questions to give the prospect the clarity they need.

If the prospect is looking for a health coach, but they aren't sure if they can commit to the program, you ask questions to find out what could be holding the prospect back from wanting to commit.

You also handle any objections the prospect has, clearing away any doubts until both you and the prospect are certain the offer is the solution the prospect is looking for. When the prospect decides to invest in the offer, they thank the closer for guiding them to their decision.

36% of salespeople say closing is the most difficult part of the sales process. Click To Tweet

Who they work for

High Ticket Closers™ close deals for two possible scenarios: business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B). They are paid a commission for each deal they close.

B2C is the most common choice for closers with little to no business experience. They find it easier to relate to the prospect's situation because the closer has bought a course or program before. Closers work with an influencer to close prospects on coaching programs, courses, and other high ticket offers.

Prospects may have heard of the influencer from watching their YouTube videos, or attending one or two workshops. They might be subscribing to or following the influencer on social media and heard about the influencer's program from an ad.

The influencer can be in any industry: business, health, fitness, education, or technology to name a few. If the influencer has a steady stream of leads – people regularly booking appointments to learn more about an offer – and the offer is a premium priced product – then the influencer could use the expertise of a closer to convert those leads to clients.

By the time the closer speaks with the prospect on the phone, they have become a warm lead with some degree of familiarity with the influencer's brand and what the influencer does.

Business accounts require a different level of expertise. A closer without a business background can close for business accounts if they learn the business jargon, such as first quarter, onboarding, SaaS and deliverables. Otherwise, they will struggle to communicate with the prospect.

B2B closing is also more involved than closing one person (and their spouse) on a relationships coaching program, for example. The prospect they are speaking to on the phone may or may not be the decision maker for the company.

The business deal could involve millions of dollars and affect the future direction of the company so more than one phone call will be needed.

Why sell to affluent clients

There are four different types of clients that influencers and business owners come across, but two types will invest in premium offers.

Sophisticated clients thoroughly research what they buy before they buy it. They have money and they are educated, so they appreciate the advice of a closer. The high ticket closer may point out some considerations that the client missed in their research.

Affluent clients aren't concerned about costs. They buy based on how the product makes them feel. They want a superior buying experience that is exclusive and luxurious. The closer will emphasize exclusivity and convenience when speaking with affluent clients.

These two types of clients are the types you ideally want to sell to.

Why sell at premium prices

Not many people are willing to invest thousands of dollars in a dating program or business program after watching a webinar or reading a description on a website. High ticket products like these need a High Ticket Closer to speak with the prospect.

One of the most common objections prospects have is related to price.

The product may be the solution to the prospect's problem, but it may also be out of the prospect's budget. But as long as the product is the right fit for the prospect, the closer will recommend ways to help the prospect, such as payment plans.

The closer understands that high prices don't hurt the prospect. Just think about the last workshop you attended for free. You might have taken some notes, but you probably didn't make use of what you learned.

But if you spend thousands of dollars on a personal development course, you're going to make sure you learn something and implement it. Otherwise, you've wasted time and money.

For this reason, premium prices get better results. The prospect has skin in the game and they see more value in the offer. A prospect who invests thousands of dollars in a fitness program with a coach is more likely to commit to eating healthy and working out on a regular basis.

Charging higher prices benefits the customer, the business or influencer and the closer. The closer can reach income goals much faster. They can make a six figure income with just one influencer and one premium priced product.

Here's an example of what a High Ticket Closer would make with a 10% commission in a month:

  • 40 closes x $2500 product = $10,000 in commission (about 2 closes a day)

The fastest way to a six figure income

There are many sales jobs which also offer a six figure salary, such as regional sales manager, sales engineer, VP of sales, or sales representative. But you would deal with hiring and firing employees, travel, giving product demos, and developing strategies to grow the company.

A full time closer can make a high income without spending time on the road or dealing with employees. Closing is one of the fastest ways to reach a high income goal without incurring high business start up expenses or spending years to earn a degree.

Skip to Chapter 3

The High Ticket Closer™ Certification Program disrupted the way people are trained to close high ticket offers. Its purpose is to teach people with or without a sales background a high income skill. Typically, people take this program to learn a new skill so they can transition to a new career, or to make a side income.

The main difference between this program and going back to school for a degree is the time investment and cost. In a matter of weeks, you can learn a new skill. The more you practice and master closing, the higher your income and the sky's the limit.

The program has attracted a wide range of students from around the world:

  • Underpaid workers looking to change careers without having to go back to school
  • Overworked, ambitious careerists seeking change from the fast-paced corporate world
  • Working parents who want to work from home so they can spend more time with their kids
  • High school graduates who want a high income without going to college
  • Business owners who want to close deals for their own offers
  • People who want freedom from a boss without having to start a business
  • Full or part time people looking for a side hustle

Thousands of program graduates from over 150 countries have shared their testimonials about their experience with the program.

How does a High Ticket Closer training compare to other training?

A degree in business will earn you a six figure salary in a business related occupation , such as Chief Executive, Marketing and Sales Manager, Financial Analyst, or Accountant. But consider the time and financial cost to earn the qualification: $3,520 for a two-year program, to $24,930 for a four year program.

It's also possible to train for a sales-related career in a matter of months. One example is life insurance sales . Top agents can earn a six figure salary in their first year of work, after investing only a few thousand on a course, tests, and licensing.

However, they will need to commute either to the office to meet clients or drive to the client's home. It is also their responsibility to nurture relationships with clients, either on the phone or in person so they can make a sale or maintain ongoing business with the client.

The Life Of A High Ticket Closer Click To Tweet

Conventional sales methods, such as telemarketing and door-to-door sales will no longer be the way to do business with consumers.

High Ticket Closer™ Training

Many High Ticket Closers want to change their financial future. They want the freedom of setting their own hours, working from home and being their own boss, and making a high income. A high income – making $10,000 or more a month – is enough to financially impact your lifestyle.

Mindset Training

There's a big difference between dreaming of making a high income and actually making that high income, especially if you've never made six figures before.

There is also a mental shift that needs to happen if you're used to getting a regular pay cheque for every hour that you work. High Ticket Closers are paid based on commission, so no sale means no pay. On the plus side, closing for high ticket products also means a big commission for only a few hours of work.

Much of the training to become a successful closer is focused just on getting that closer mindset.

  • Understanding that as a closer, your purpose is to help your prospect by transforming their life. If you don't believe in the product you're selling, you will struggle to make sales.
  • Believing that money is neither good nor bad. You cannot become rich if you don't like rich people, or don't believe that you deserve to improve your life or the lives of those you love by having money.
  • Not giving up, even when your friends and family don't support your career choice.
  • Some days will be hard. You could have several closes in a row, and then fail to close for many days. Your income will roller coaster as you earn commissions, or earn nothing, becoming more stable as you improve your skills.

As a High Ticket Closer ™ , you cannot afford to gain a superiority complex, thinking that your skills make you better than the average salesperson. You can't let your most recent award as a closer give you a sense of invincibility. During your career, you are guaranteed to have good days and bad.

Building that strong mindset is the foundation of closer training before they teach you other skills.

Closing Skills

Learning to maintain control of the conversation, and influencing and persuading the prospect are some of the most powerful skills you will learn as a closer.

As a High Ticket Closer ™, you become a professional, much like a doctor.

People come to see you to find a solution for their problem because you are the expert.

You learn how the tone of your voice affects the outcome of the conversation. Because you'll be closing on the phone, your voice is key.

Communication is 55% body language, 38% tonality, and 7% words. Click To Tweet

On a phone call, that 38% is even more important to build rapport with your prospect, so they will open up to you. If your prospect can't trust you, you won't be able to close them. Learning to ask the right questions is one way to have them open up to you.

Learning to influence and persuade your prospects are also key sales skills. You won't be doing anything unethical, like persuading them to buy the offer when they are not a good fit. Even if you do convince them to buy an unsuitable offer, they could cancel in the future.

A cancellation or refund will affect your close ratio and commission. Most importantly it will damage your reputation as a sales professional if you resort to slimy sales tactics.

Your powers of persuasion are most often used when your prospect has a high level of self doubt. The prospect may be an ideal fit for the program that you are closing, but they are fearful that they will fail yet another fitness program. They will need you to persuade them that this time, the outcome will be different.

As the closer, you'll be the one to push them to the finish line, and when they sign up for the program, they will thank you for it.

Watch this video about the power of persuasion.

The sales skills that you learn as a High Ticket Closer ™ don't just apply to selling. Graduates have noticed changes in all aspects of their lives. As a closer, you're not just closing when you're on the phone.

You're always closing. You'll notice improvements in your personal relationships and how you communicate with friends and family. Graduates have said they have become better listeners, reducing friction in relationships.

When you go out, you'll notice a new confidence when you talk with people at restaurants, stores, and other everyday interactions. You can use your persuasion skills to upgrade your hotel room or get a better deal on a TV.

Closing is not just a profession. It's a way of life.

How to check if a High Ticket Closer ™ is certified or a fake

When they graduate, High Ticket Closers ™ receive a signed certificate with their name and date of program completion.

Many add the High Ticket Closer ™ (HTC) title and logo to the banner area of their LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, and use High Ticket Closer for their title. Some salespeople have added the HTC banner and logo to their profile although they have not taken the training or become certified.

A graduate of the program has a high level of professionalism, is non-salesy, and represents the brand well.

High Ticket Closers ™ do not chase influencers or prospects for business. They do not offer their services as a closer unless the other party asks what they do, or has expressed a need for a closer.

Later this year, the platform will become the platform for prequalified and vetted closers. High Ticket Closers ™ who are on the platform are guaranteed to be certified sales professionals with closer training.

Skip to Chapter 4

A successful High Ticket Closer ™ has more than the ability to close a deal. A closer possesses a level of proficiency in a range of transferable, essential skills that are necessary to do their job well, and adapt to changes in their industry.

What are transferable skills? They are the skills that people can carry over from one career to another. For example, the schematics and drawings that engineers read are different in content and appearance from the schematics used by a glass artist.

However, if your skill level for reading complex diagrams and drawings is high, then your ability to read unfamiliar diagrams from another industry will also be at a high level. People who have a high level of proficiency in transferable essential skills will be able to adapt to new occupations much faster than those with low skills.

Reading Skills

What documents do closers read and how often do they do this type of reading?

When a High Ticket Closer ™ starts to work with a new influencer or business account, they will sign an agreement. This legal document, an NDA (non disclosure agreement), has details about the working relationship. There will be details about who they are working for, the conditions for working with the influencer, and how they will be paid.

The daily reading that closers do on the job is fairly routine in topic.

Closers read computerized booking schedules for information about appointment times. They set aside blocks of time when they are free to take calls, then check what time slots have been booked by the prospects.

Closers who are part of a team may coordinate their schedules so that all blocks of time for a 24 hour time period are covered.

A regular part of a closer's routine is reading reply texts and emails from the prospect. These messages are usually about reminders about an upcoming appointment, or follow up after the appointment.

Some, but not all, closers are required to read and follow a script during an inbound sales call. The use of a script depends on the policies of the person or company the closer is working for.

What level of reading skills do you need as a closer?

The reading skill level that closers need is fairly average compared to the reading skills required for most occupations. They will need to make some inferences to find information from their work contract or infer what a prospect's true intention is in an email.

More experienced closers consider the email responses to be routine because they have read the most typical email responses.

Writing Skills

What do High Ticket Closers ™ write and how frequently?

Strong copywriting skills are a bonus but not necessary for closers. Most of the writing that they do follows a standardized format, so they are able to copy from previous emails they have written.

The emails are sent before and after the phone call and are used to build a relationship with the prospect prior to and after the first appointment. If the prospect is a no show, the closer may send a value driven email to show them the value of the offer the prospect was interested in.

These emails are routine, so closers add information to the standardized email to personalize it to each prospect. Personalization helps to build rapport with the prospect. This rapport is particularly useful if the closer is late for a call because the prospect is usually more forgiving. A successful email format can be used many times.

Closers may also send brief text messages to prospects to remind them of appointments. These messages follow a set format that can be copied. In some cases, these reminder texts are automated. Some email sequences can also be automated.

During an inbound sales appointment with a prospect, the closer will take handwritten notes about what the prospect is saying. They will mark down in their notes key ideas or questions they have. Later, when the prospect is finished talking, the closer will refer to those marked questions or key ideas to help them understand the prospect and help them close the prospect on the offer.

In some cases, closers use their computer to fill out the application form or fill out the purchase check out page while they are on the phone with the prospect. They will ask the prospect questions while they enter the information on the forms.

What level of writing skills do you need as a closer?

Closers don't require a high level of writing skill. Their writing tasks are routine, short in length (no more than a page), and can be copied from standardized examples.

Numeracy (Math) Skills

What math skills do High Ticket Closers ™ need and how often do they do math?

Closers complete two kinds of math applications while on the job: money math and scheduling. The frequency of these calculations depends on how often they adjust their schedule and income goals, and how frequently they have calls with prospects.

Scheduling Math

Closers arrange their work schedules using three pieces of information: length of appointment call with the prospect, amount of time to leave between calls, and length of work day. They also anticipate no shows and last minute cancellations.

For example, a full time closer may have an eight hour work day. Each call with a prospect takes about 30 to 60 minutes (depending on the closing situation). They will also include a 15 minute "buffer" between calls. If a call finishes early, they take a break. If a call takes longer than expected, they won't be late for the next call.

The number of appointments they schedule each day depends on the call length and these buffer times. If the closer works part time because they have another full time job, then they will schedule their appointment availability times and buffers around their full time job.

Money Math

High Ticket Closers ™ need to make on-the-spot calculations during a call with a prospect. For example, they will make one or two step calculations involving one or two operations (+,-, x, ÷) to explain to the prospect what they need to do to achieve their goal.

More specifically, they may be closing the prospect on a career related program that will change the prospect's income level. The prospect may say that they are making $2500 a month, and their goal after finishing the program is making $120K per year. The closer will take them through the process, calculating that the current yearly income is $30K, so to make $120K, that's a difference of $90K.

The closer may also calculate what the prospect will be paying for a program after making a downpayment prior to the sign-up process, and then go over the prospect's payment options.

Closers also make multiple step calculations about their own income. For example, they may double check calculations on their commissions on a spreadsheet after they are paid.

Another task closers occasionally complete is multiple step calculations about their income goals. For example

  • the packages they sell are $5000
  • they make 10% commission on each sale
  • their close rate is 20%

The closer calculates from these numbers how many calls per week they should book to reach their target monthly income.

The closer may need to calculate income taxes because taxes are not deducted off of their commissions.

What level of math skills do you need as a closer?

Closers make multiple step calculations for money math and scheduling math tasks. For example, figuring out work hours for a work schedule, calculating projected income goals, and calculating price differences in payment plans for option A versus option B, or payments after a downpayment.

After learning the formulas and how to apply them to these situations, closers will find their math tasks to be fairly routine.

Oral Communication Skills

The most important transferable, essential skill that a closer needs is oral communication. Whether closers meet with prospects in person or on the phone, their speaking skills are what will close the deal and make a sale. If they can't close, there will be no commission, and without an income, they cannot pay the bills.

What oral communications skills do High Ticket Closers ™ need?

Closers communicate with prospects about the service or product that they are selling. They may also communicate with their influencer and/or team.

Purpose for communication

High Ticket Closers™ answer scheduled inbound calls from prospects to provide information about the product or service, explain what the prospect may need to do after signing up for the offer, and persuade the prospect to buy the offer if it is a good fit.

The closer seeks information about the prospect by asking questions so that the prospect does the majority of the talking throughout the call. They made need to reassure that the prospect is making the right decision by investing in the offer, or they may need to negotiate ("what if…") when the prospect struggles to see success after their investment.

Closers may also give the prospect instructions such as requesting payment information. Experienced closers analyze the prospect and change how they speak with the prospect depending on the prospect's personality type.

The closer may also communicate with their influencer on the phone about updates.

Method, Duration, and Risk Level of Communication

High Ticket Closers ™ communicate with prospects on the phone, usually one-on-one. Sometimes they may need to speak with the decision maker if, for example, the prospect refuses to make a final decision without approval from their spouse.

Closers invest in a quality phone, headset, and call connection for the calls with prospects. A poor connection or a disconnected call can severely affect the closer's ability to make a sale.

A call may last from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, but usually 30 to 40 minutes. There may be only one phone call, or two calls (including the follow up call) depending on the way the influencer has set up the business.

The risk level in failed communication is the closer could lose the sale, or in extreme situations, the failed call could result in an angry prospect.

What level of oral communication skills do you need as a closer?

High Ticket Closers ™ should be fluent in the language that they are closing in, but they can also close in their second language. Confidence and correct use of tone is more important than grammatical accuracy. The use of conversational language, or more formal and technical language depends on the closing situation (closing a client for a dating program versus closing a B2B client for example).

The complexity of communication depends on the closer's experience and the industry. A closer who is new to the industry and new to the influencer will need to learn the industry terminology as well as the typical questions and problems of the influencer's typical customer base.

A closer who has experience in the industry (such as B2B, business, fitness, technology) will be highly familiar with key vocabulary. Also, a closer who has answered many calls about the influencer's offer will be familiar with the range of scenarios that could arise during a call and will be highly prepared to deal with any questions or objections.

Watch this video about how to handle an actual sales call using closing skills.

Thinking Skills

What problem solving skills do High Ticket Closers ™ need?

Closers with more experience will have a more routine approach to solving problems than closers who are new to the business. For example, handling a no show to an appointment, rescheduling an appointment when the closer has a family emergency, or loss of internet connection while filling out the check out page with the prospect.

One of the most common problems that closers need to solve are payment issues, such as helping the prospect to find the resources to pay, or how to pay if the prospect lives in a different country from the influencer.

What decision making skills do High Ticket Closers ™ use?

Closers make a range of decisions that have minor or no consequence to decisions of significant consequence. For example, taking a sip of water prior to the next phone call has minor consequence. If their mouth is dry, they can hydrate during the call.

On the other hand, not qualifying a prospect that has no money has significant consequence. The prospect could sign up for the program, then fail to make the payments, affecting the closer's commission as well as closing track record.

What critical thinking skills do closers need?

Closers need to assess situations and then come up with a solution using their critical thinking skills. For example, the prospect is a good fit for the program but they are financially unable to invest in the plan with one payment. The closer assesses the prospect's financial situation to suggest alternative payment plans or financing options.

A prospect may also claim that they need more time to make a decision, either because they don't have the money now, or they need a guarantee. The closer must assess the real reason for the objection based on the closer's knowledge of the prospect, and decide if the objection is the true objection or hiding another one.

How do High Ticket Closers ™ plan and organize job tasks?

Closers have a high level of autonomy over their schedules. After deciding on their availability to take calls, the closer's tasks are fairly routine. They use break times between calls to rest, exercise, or prepare for the next call. They set aside a block of time each day to contact prospects via text or email to remind them about appointments, as well as fill out paperwork about the prospects.

Closers work alone, so it is their responsibility to organize their own work. If they are part of a closing team, they may need to coordinate work schedules so that all blocks of time are covered.

Many influencers and B2B want to operate a globally accessible business so that prospects from any time zone can book a time with a closer at their convenience. The more global the business, the more likely they want their closing team to cover all 24 hours of the clock.

What is the use of memory for closers?

Closers recall the details of the product or service they are selling to answer questions from the prospect. For example, they may need to answer a question about the guarantee of the product, or the exact hours and weeks the program is offered.

They take notes about the prospect during the call so they don't need to memorize all the details, but they must be able to remember where the information is on the page to access it quickly while speaking to the prospect.

Do High Ticket Closers ™ need to find information?

Prior to the phone call, a closer will research their prospect. They will read over the information the prospect may have entered on an application form, or they may look up information about the prospect on social media.

This preliminary research will help the closer understand the prospect better and may be used to close the prospect on the offer.

Working With Others (Teamwork) Skills

High ticket closing is remote work. Typically, a closer has their own office space at home. They coordinate work schedules with their teammates and they may attend team training sessions through the use of video or audio conferencing software.

Because the work is solitary, sometimes High Ticket Closers ™ may turn to their support system (other closers, family members) for strength, such as emotional support after failing to close all their appointments for one day.

Depending on the clientele the influencer serves, the closing team may be located within one country or around the world.

Computer And Technology Skills

High Ticket Closers ™ use a range of software programs to communicate and keep track of information. They use CRM software such as and ScheduleOnce for scheduling calls with prospects.

To ensure that the call goes as smoothly and professionally as possible, they invest in a phone and headphones with quality sound. Closers also use their phones to send and receive text messages from prospects and their influencer. They also have recording software to record calls so that they can replay the calls later.

Closers use video conferencing software such as Skype for calls with the influencer and they may use it for calls with prospects. Reliable internet services are crucial when closers need to access application forms and check-out pages which they fill out with the prospect during the call.

Depending on their closing situation and the influencer, text and email messages to prospects maybe automated. In other cases, closers send personalized emails to their prospects.

Although there is a system for tracking sales, some closers keep their own spreadsheet to track of their commissions so they can double check amounts when they are paid. To notify their influencer about closes, the closer may send a monthly invoice. They may screenshot the check out page and keep track of the sale on a Google sheet.

Continuous Learning

Like most occupations, High Ticket Closers™ need to continuously practice their skills and keep up with the latest trends and best practices in their industry. To do so, they set their own learning goals.

Closers watch High Ticket Closer training on a regular basis. They continue to role play closing situations with other closers and then critique their calls. They will also replay their own calls with prospects to analyze how they could improve their skills.

Some closers join accountability or power groups on social media platforms, where they share best practices with each other and become a support group. Some members may even take leadership roles within the group and take charge of training for the group.

On their own time, closers watch webinars and videos or read books and articles to hone their skills or keep on top of developments in the industry.

Physical Aspects of Closing

High ticket closing is a predominantly sedentary type of profession so it is up to the individual closer to liven it up.

Closers set up an office space in their home with at least a desk space to take their calls and a comfortable chair. Some closers may work an 8 hour day, so their workspace must be comfortable for a full day of closing.

Rarely do closers sit at their desk for the entire day or even the entire call. They may sit for part of the call, and for other segments, they may talk and pace the room. Some closers may work from a stand up desk.

During time between calls, closers may eat or do a quick workout. A higher energy level is important for closing calls.

In atypical cases, closers who travel or are on the road may take their equipment with them and answer calls from prospects in their hotel room.

Thanks goes to the following High Ticket Closers™ who were interviewed for the skills section of this article: Jazz Courtenay, Joel Goh, Sandy Gum, Gerald Amandu, Shahana Ali, William Odhams, and Hope White

Skip To Chapter 5

Closers have a high degree of autonomy and responsibility when it comes to finding work. They can choose how many hours a week or month they want to close, what industry to work in, and who they want to close for.

Working as a closer can be done entirely from home, starting from your search to find an influencer or company to close for, to closing prospects on the phone, to getting your pay.

High Ticket Closers™ could join Facebook groups and make connections on LinkedIn and Facebook with influencers in the industry they are interested in. For example, if a closer has a background in health and fitness, they may connect with health and fitness coaches on LinkedIn.

They are taught to build relationships in a professional manner by adding value to their connections, and not spam them with requests or questions about whether they want to hire a closer for their business. Some time may be spent educating the influencer about what a closer does.

They also need to qualify the influencer. After the closer has established a relationship with the influencer through an online conversation, then they will need to ask questions to find the following information:

  • Does the influencer have a steady stream of leads? If the influencer has a solid marketing funnel, a large social media following, and many testimonials, then the answer is likely "yes".
  • Does the influencer have one or more high ticket offers? If the highest price point is $500, your commission will be $50 – which may not be worth your time.
  • Is the influencer interested in hiring a closer? If the answer is "No," then the closer moves on.

When the closer and influencer are interested in working together, then they sign a contract with details such as the commission structure.

Another possibility is the closer meets the influencer in person at an event. For example, the closer attends a career development conference, and during a networking event, meets a business coach.

They exchange contact information and keep in touch, nurturing the relationship with follow up messages on social media. Or, if the influencer mentions a need for a closer during the event, they will follow up with a call about how to work together.

In 2019, a new platform called will be launching which will disrupt how influencers and closers find each other. This will be covered in chapter 5.

Skip To Chapter 6

How do you hire talented salespeople who will close deals and exceed your company's sales goals?

The first way, the conventional way, can take weeks for the entire process, from putting out an ad, screening applications, to booking and conducting interviews. After you've chosen a candidate from the interview pool, you'll still need to check references.

The process can take 4 to 6 weeks, draining resources from your HR Department. Onboarding the new employee is also time consuming, as your staff takes the time to train the candidate and test if the new hire truly has the sales skills that they claimed during their interview.

Another downside to the hiring process is you will be limited to your own region for candidates if you wish to hire them in person. An online ad is also geographically limited. A highly qualified closer in Europe could miss an ad targeted for the US.

Another way is to find closers from networking events and social media platforms such as Facebook. This method was discussed in Chapter 4. The downside of searching for closers at events and on social media is distinguishing the qualified closers from self-proclaimed closers.

By the end of 2019, the platform will be available. It will be similar in purpose to platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, but in this case matching qualified closers with businesses looking for closers. The closers will already be pre-screened for skills and qualifications, saving time in the hiring process.

Businesses will have access to a higher pool of closers with no limit to geographic region. A business that offers courses internationally can have a global team of closers to cover a booking schedule around the clock.

The platform will also prequalify influencers and businesses to ensure that they have enough work for closers, as well as the ability to pay commissions.

Conventional means of making a living are changing as workers are taking on both a full and a part time job to reach their income goals and afford their lifestyle. After the financial crisis of 2008-09, the concept of earning an income began to evolve and the concept of a gig economy made its way into everyday lingo.

The Rise Of The Gig Economy

Companies began to move away from the traditional 9 to 5 corporate structure in which a group of people work for a boss in return for a salary and benefits. Instead, companies are offloading risk onto individuals.

People are becoming more responsible for their financial future, paving the way for the gig economy.

In this economy, people work for an app, such as Uber or Fiverr, decide on their own work hours, and rarely have in-person contact with their employers or teammates. In some cases, they may never meet their customers or clients either.

No longer wanting to rely on a single employer for a reliable stream of income, workers have started to patch together an income by working several gigs. Some became drivers for ride-hailing services like Uber, others became food delivery drivers for companies like Skip The Dishes, or virtual assistants.

The CEO of Intuit, Brad Smith said , "The gig economy [in the U.S.]…is now estimated to be about 34% of the workforce and expected to be 43% by the year 2020."

The High Ticket Closer ™ Business Model

Enter the High Ticket Closer ™, a professional salesperson that can close deals from anywhere in the world. The closer model is autonomous, giving the closer the ability to choose work hours, hours worked, place of work, and who they work with.

The High Ticket Closer profession is a perfect fit for the gig economy. Each closer is like the owner of a small business, with no need to invest in marketing, finding customers, designing products or a business strategy, or a store front.

The influencer or business takes on all of those marketing and business responsibilities. They generate the leads and create the offer for the prospect.

It's the closer that steps in when a business needs a skilled salesperson to close their prospect and make the sale.

The outlook of the sales profession is positive, as artificial intelligence (AI) keeps advancing technology and disrupting industries and how we do business. According to the World Economic Forum,

As technological advancements continue to disrupt industries, there will be a growing need for specialized sales people who can explain the company's offerings to a wide range of clients, including businesses, governments, consumers,… Click To Tweet

In a global economy, future closers will be more than salespeople and experts. They will be coaches and consultants, the first human contact prospects have with a business. Their role is to qualify the prospect for the offer, and educate them about the business.

The association of "salesperson" with "slimy, pushy, and sales-driven" will change. Closers will be seen as professional problem solvers with a passion for helping people.

They will also be independent business owners with control over when, where, and how often they work. Closers will also have the most important role in the sales process, converting the prospect into the customer.

The business or influencer will be the one to invest in developing the offer, investing in marketing, and generating prospects, but it's the closer that steps in at the final step and closes the deal. They are the rainmakers.


A High Ticket Closer™ is a sales professional who provides solutions to a prospect's problems. They close inbound calls for high-ticket offers on the phone and have a passion for helping other people.

To become a High Ticket Closer™ , you must take a seven week, online course that teaches you the mindset and sales skills needed to close premium offers.

In addition to the sales and mindset training, you will need transferable, essential skills in reading, writing, math, technology, and other soft skills. Oral communication is the most important for a closer.

As a professional salesperson, you have a great deal of autonomy over your work situation. You can choose your own work hours as well as who you wish to close for. You can reach out to influencers yourself, or answer ads for salespeople. Later this year, qualified closers will be able to search for qualified influencers and businesses on the platform.

The future of High Ticket Closing™ is bright as the gig economy becomes the way that people make a living. Closers have the flexibility to work full or part time, with the freedom of being their own boss, and taking their financial future in their own hands.

High-ticket sales and high-ticket closing are sales models that can be applied to any industry, whether you are a consultant, a sales manager, or facilitator of strategic partnerships. Watch this carefully to learn how to develop this skill set and implement it into your existing business model.

The Life Of A High Ticket Closer -

how to become an inbound closer


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